How to disable Antivirus Firewall?


Antivirus -Software

Hier finden Sie ausgewählte Antivirus-Produkte von verschiedenen Herstellern. Für fast alle Programme sind Test-Versionen verfügbar, die nur begrenzte Zeit (z.B. 30 Tage) zur Probe benutzt werden dürfen. Die Testversionen sind überwiegend in englischer Sprache, zunehmend auch in einer deutschen Fassung erhältlich.

Manche Hersteller bieten auch kostenlos nutzbare Produktversionen an, meist auf rein privat genutzte Rechner beschränkt, mit reduzierten Funktionsumfang oder anderen Einschränkungen.

Zur Aktualität: Es werden nach Möglichkeit stets die neuesten verfügbaren Versionen angeboten, ohne dass dies jeweils kenntlich gemacht wird. Praktisch alle Hersteller bieten Windows-10-taugliche Produkte an. Die Unterstützung für Windows 7 wird hingegen langsam auslaufen.

NEU Wie lange unterstützen Antivirushersteller Windows 7? (PC Welt)


Tests von Antivirus-Software

Kostenlose Virenscanner

Für Mitglieder und Einrichtungen der TU Berlin...

... gibt es eine (auch für Studierende!) ... gibt es eine (auch für Studierende!) kostenlose Lizenz für Sophos Antivirus

Für private Nutzung kostenlos erhältliche Antivirus-Software:

mit On-Access-Scanner (Virenwächter) ohne On-Access-Scanner (Virenwächter)

mit On-Access-Scanner (Virenwächter)ohne On-Access-Scanner (Virenwächter) Antivirus-Software ohne Virenwächter ist nicht als einziger Schutz geeignet. Sie kann etwa als zweite Meinung, für regelmäßige Überprüfungen des Rechners oder zum Prüfen von Downloads dienen.

Einige Antivirus-Hersteller bieten mittlerweile ISO-Abbilder von Boot-CDs kostenlos zum Download an. Diese enthalten einen aktuellen bzw. aktualisierbaren Virenscanner, mit dem ein Windows-Rechner von Malware befreit werden kann. Meist basieren diese Rettungs-CDs auf einem Linux-Live-System. Das Starten ("Booten") des Rechners von einer CD oder DVD mit einen von dem auf der Festplatte installierten System unabhängigen Betriebssystem hat mehrere Vorteile:

falls das installierte System nicht mehr startet, ist so eine Reparatur möglich

lässt sich aktive Malware nicht unter laufendem Windows entfernen, gelingt dies meist mit Hilfe der Boot-CD

manche Malware, etwa Rootkits, ist bei laufendem Windows kaum oder gar nicht auffindbar, beim Starten von der Boot-CD ist ihre Tarnkappe jedoch nicht aktiv und so kann der Schädling aufgespürt und entfernt oder erstmal unschädlich gemacht werden.

Die ISO-Images können mit einem Brennprogramm auf eine CD-R(W) geschrieben werden. Dazu müssen Sie allerdings die entsprechende Spezialfunktion des Brennprogramms benutzen (sinngemäß „ISO-Abbild auf Disc schreiben“) – die Datei einfach auf eine Daten-CD zu schreiben bringt nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis. Fast alle Brennprogramme können das. Aviras Lösung ist eine EXE-Datei, die wahlweise direkt eine CD erstellt oder das ISO-Image entpackt (das es auch direkt zum Download gibt). Lösungen für USB-Sticks siehe weiter unten.

Einige kommerzielle Antivirusprogramme enthalten auch eine Funktion zum Erstellen einer Boot-CD. Machen Sie sich sinnvollerweise damit vertraut, bevor der Ernstfall eintritt. Dann sind Sie vorbereitet. Ist der Rechner erstmal verseucht, funktioniert das Erstellen einer Notfall-CD eventuell nicht mehr (werfen Sie also einen ausgedienten, aber noch funktionsfähigen PC nicht weg).

Netbooks & Co (USB-Stick statt Boot-CD)

Netbooks haben meist kein optisches Laufwerk. Auch Laptops / Notebooks haben nicht immer eines, etwa weil es zugunsten eines Zusatzakkus entfernt wurde. Um von einer Antivirus-CD/-DVD starten zu können, muss das ISO-Abbild der CD/DVD auf einen USB-Stick übertragen werden. Dafür gibt es kostenlos erhältliche Programme, die (fast) alles erledigen, was dazu nötig ist:

Dann muss der Rechner im BIOS-Setup so eingestellt werden, dass er zuerst von USB-Medien zu starten versucht (Boot-Reihenfolge). Ist kein (boot-fähiger) USB-Stick angeschlossen, startet er wie sonst auch von der eingebauten Festplatte. Mehr zu den Details finden Sie beispielhaft im c't-Artikel zu Desinfec't,

Hinweis: ActiveX gibt es nur beim Internet Explorer (IE). Für Netscape/Mozilla gibt es zwar ein Plug-in, das ActiveX ermöglicht, dies ist jedoch aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht zu empfehlen. Nutzen Sie lieber die Anbieter, die ohne ActiveX auskommen (Datei-Upload, Java, Firefox Add-on). Diese Anbieter sind auch für Benutzer geeignet, die kein Windows einsetzen.

Vergleichstest kostenloser Online-Scanner: PC Welt Online, März 2008

Rootkits sind Programme oder auch Treiber, die andere (schädliche) Prozesse, Dateien und/oder Registry-Einträge so verstecken, dass sie mit Bordmitteln des laufenden Betriebssystems nicht entdeckt werden können. Auch herkömmliche Antivirus-Software scheiterte früher daran. Die meisten namhaften Antivirus-Hersteller haben bereits spezielle Anti-Rootkit-Techniken entwickelt, die sie inzwischen in ihre Antivirus-Produkte integriert haben.

Auch verschiedene andere Unternehmen oder unabhängige Programmierer (-gruppen) bieten Anti-Rootkit-Tools an. Oft sind diese jedoch eher für Personenkreise gedacht und geeignet, die genau wissen, was sie da machen (müssen) – und weniger für reine PC-Anwender.

Keines der hier aufgeführten Programme kann jedes Rootkit entdecken und auch entfernen. Probieren Sie daher mehrere davon aus. Allerdings ist meist zu empfehlen den Rechner komplett neu aufzusetzen, denn Sie können nie sicher sein alle schädlichen Dateien finden und entfernen zu können.

Über Scareware (auch "Fake-AV", "rogue applications") habe ich etliche Artikel bei PC-Welt Online veröffentlicht.

Es handelt sich um betrügerische Schutzprogramme oder auch vorgebliche Software zur Systemoptimierung. Die Schädlinge nerven mit falschen Warnmeldungen über vorgeblich gefundene Viren oder andere Systemprobleme. Sie sollen die Opfer dazu nötigen eine ebenso teure wie nutzlose Vollversion des Programms zu kaufen. Diese werden übers Internet etwa in Form eines Registrierungs-Code für 50 bis 100 US-Dollar verkauft. Sie sind mit Kreditkarte zu bezahlen, womit die Online-Kriminellen die Kreditkartendaten in die Hände fallen. Die werden weiterverkauft, andere Täter gehen dann damit auf Einkaufstour.

eher von historischem Interesse:

Die auch als Trojanische Pferde bezeichneten Hacker-Tools Back Orifice (BO) und NetBus sind keine Viren, da sie sich nicht replizieren und weiterverbreiten. Sie nisten sich in Windows-Rechnern ein und erlauben es Unbefugten, den Rechner über das Netzwerk (auch Internet), zu kontrollieren und auszuspionieren. Sie können sich dies wie eine Fernwartungssoftware (pcAnywhere, CarbonCopy,..) vorstellen, teils noch weitergehend.

Sie sind mit Hilfe einiger Informationen auch von Hand zu entdecken und zu entfernen, es gibt jedoch auch spezialisierte Tools dafür (s.u.). Alle Antivirus-Programme können in ihren neueren Versionen BO ebenfalls erkennen und entfernen.

BO v1.x läuft nur unter Windows 95/98, NetBus auch unter NT. Windows 3.x ist nicht betroffen.

Update: Das neuere Version Back Orifice 2000 (BO2K) funktioniert auch unter NT/W2K/XP.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:



Diese Programme können BO erkennen und entfernen (alles engl.):

Multi Trojan Cleaner (aka The Cleaner) gegen BO, NetBus und andere Trojaner

Version 3.1 jetzt kommerziell/Shareware

Version 3.1 jetzt kommerziell/Shareware BOdetect von Chris Benson

BOdetect von Chris Benson WARNUNG: BOsniffer ist eine getarnte Version von BO selbst!

ist eine getarnte Version von BO selbst! nahezu jeder Virenscanner

Weitere Hintertüren

Neben den in der Presse am häufigsten erwähnten Backdoor- (Hintertür-) Programmen Back Orifice und NetBus existieren noch mehrere Dutzend andere, z.B. SubSeven, DeepThroat oder Hack'A'Tack.

Eine Übersicht mit Infos zum Entfernen diverser Backdoors und Trojanischer Pferde findet sich hier: | Anwenderforum:

lokale Seite: Infos über Trojanische Pferde und Backdoors mit Portliste

Weitere Antivirus-Software finden Sie z.B. auch auf dem FTP-Server der Informatik der TU Berlin.

Lesen Sie bitte auch die Informationen über falsche Virenwarnungen (sog. Hoaxes)

UseNet Newsgroups: Wenn Sie sich mit anderen Menschen über Viren-Probleme austauschen wollen, lesen Sie die Newsgroups (engl.) oder (dt.).

Wenn Sie ein bestimmtes Software-Paket vermissen - schreiben Sie mir!

Top 15 Best Linux Antivirus Programs in 2022

Best Linux Antivirus You Should Use to Protect the System

There are always errors and problems in the computer Operating System, especially intentionally made mistakes, which we call trojans, malware, and viruses. Linux OS is a much more efficient and secure OS, but still, there are possibilities to have these problems. To decrease these issues, many security specialists have developed a lot of antivirus for Linux already. These antiviruses aim to detect and remove all the threats before they harm the system. Well, if you are a Linux user and planning to try something for your system’s protection, I am sure you are on the right track.

Best Linux Antivirus You Should Use to Protect the System

Undoubtedly, there won’t be an insufficiency of antiviruses available in the market. But there is no guarantee that all of them will work efficiently. Recently, an independent IT security institute AV-Test took over the test to ensure a real Linux antivirus software list that helps us make a useful generic list of the top 15 best antiviruses for Linux.

We have tried to add brief details with each option so that you can choose one easily. So, let’s have a look over them.

1. Sophos

Let’s start with Sophos, one of the best antiviruses for Linux. It supports on-demand scanning and at the same time, provides a real-time scanning feature. This protective Linux antivirus prevents Linux base malware and works fine on all the other platforms like Windows and Android.

Additionally, it detects worms and trojans as well and helps to remove them from the repository. More of that, if you are kinda geeky, Sophos provides you terminal coding facility to make it easier.

Important Features

It’s a free and terminal base Linux Antivirus.

Sophos Antivirus can easily detect and remove threats to protect the system.

Indeed, it can detect never-before-seen attacks with its advanced AI.

Also, it is very lightweight, Comes with a minimalist interface, and is quite easy to install.

It initially comes with cross-platform support and lets you

Block and remove non-Linux threats

Sophos Official

2. Comodo

Comodo Antivirus is quite well-known as a very protective one for Linux. The best part of this antivirus is its unique architecture support and cross-platform feature. It also supports an email scanning feature with an additional anti-virus protection system, which is not available on other applications. Also, Comodo supports the firewall feature with 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. Comodo Antivirus for Linux also supports all distros, so it is widely used among Linux users.

Important Features

This free-to-use antivirus provides real-time protection against all military-grade threats.

It indeed supports on-demand scanning with no false alerts.

Comes with Antispam support, Comodo can easily detect the onslaught of ransomware.

It works on the server-side like Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, OpenSUSE, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

Additionally, it supports server-side protection and works on most platforms.

Comodo Official

3. ClamAV

If you want to try the best and most widely referred antivirus for Linux, I must recommend ClamAV. Generally, it is open source and free to use. It is recognized as a versatile antivirus to detect trojans, malware, and viruses.

This protective antivirus also supports standard mail gateway scanning. It is easy to use and fast to run because it doesn’t have a native GUI and works through the terminal. Still not impressed? The following feature will definitely move you on.

Important Features

This open source and free antivirus come with no commercials.

It is indeed Cross-platform supported and there are no conditions or billing details.

Indeed, it can easily work from the terminal and comes with POSIX compliant support.

It also supports on-access scanning for mailing services.

Available utility command-line ensures easy navigation.

ClamAV Official


F-Prot is also a very well-renowned antivirus for Linux and it’s another must-have. This particular Linux antivirus can be used at the home or industrial level. It initially supports 32 and 64bit software architecture.

Also, it scans over 2119958 known viruses and their other possible variants. Additionally, this antivirus software is portable and performs schedule scanning using cron technology. It can detect different types of infections; trojan even boots sectors.

Important Features

It is initially an open source, free, and portable antivirus suitable for most platforms.

F-PROT can detect more than 21 million threats and their other variants.

It also runs on different software architecture as well.

Scanning features for internal drive and drivers are available too.

Unique options like scanning for boot sector virus, macro, and trojan viruses are there also.

F-PROT Official

5. Chkrootkit

From the name, Chkrootkit, you can guess it really works on a root, and frankly speaking, it is the best option for rootkit available in a Linux system. Generally, it is a lightweight and portable antivirus. You can quickly burn it to CD or USB.

It contains multiple programs and detects over 60 old and new kits. Also, it can easily detect network interfaces in promiscuous mode too. You must know that detecting altered lastlog and wtmp files are not always available in many apps where it offers this function for free.

Important Features

Chkrootkit can easily detect almost all the latest rootkits

This lightweight and open source utility tool is available for multiple distros.

Its strong scan engine is essential for performing detailed kernel checks against many supported kit detections.

This tool comes with command-line access for best performance.

You can also run it from the terminal.

The developers update this Linux Antivirus tool regularly.

Chkrootkit Official

6. Rootkit Hunter

Rootkit Hunter is another best option for the rootkit. It works on command and uses backdoor and other local exploits to detect all kinds of viruses, including trojans. This particular software is available for different distros and available for different platforms. You can call this tool a dedicated layer of protection instead of a full-fledged antivirus. But it can protect your system from particular types of malware and virus.

Important Features

This open-source cybersecurity software is very lightweight and will never slow down your PC.

It can easily work from the command line on your Linux system.

This tool has already made an outstanding score on rootkit-type protection.

It indeed supports SHA-1 comparison to detect malicious entry.

Initially, it uses some of the local exploits and the backdoor to detect viruses and scan the entire system to detect suspicious activity.

Rootkit Hunter Official

7. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Endpoint Security is one of the members of the Kaspersky group. I am sure you all are familiar with the name, Kaspersky and so, there is no reason to be doubtful of this antivirus. Especially for Linux, it was designed to get activated against all the treats your system can face.

It will perform automatic scanning to find all the removable drives and ask your permission to remove them. Also, this powerful antivirus works very well against all the network threats as well. Finally, it makes a strong security system with multiple layers of security to protect the entire system even including the boot sector and the.

Important Features

It ensures real-time protection against viruses and malware.

The integrated Behavior Detection function provides a proactive defense to identify and execute suspicious behavior patterns.

It offers strong web threat protection with a 100% threat detection rate.

You can also check the current cyber threats from this application and it offers expert security tips.

It also comes with an anti-crypto mechanism that will block encrypted files from sources with running malicious processes.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Official

8. BitDefender

I am not going to believe if you are saying that the name, BitDefender is new to you. Undoubtedly, it is the most popular antivirus and security app for multiple platforms. In the Linux community, BitDefender did an excellent job as a Linux antivirus software and already gained vast popularity.

But this most-used antivirus is not particularly free for the users including the Linux users. So, you can give it a try with the trial version. But we can ensure you that you will fall for it with no time.

Important Features

It scans archives and ensures protection against zero-day attacks, viruses, ransomware, phishing, and spyware.

BitDefender also comes with desktop integration supports.

There is an intuitive GUI and it also supports a command-line interface as well.

It will turn the Quarantine infected files into a protected directory for extra protection.

Additionally, it manages all its activities directly from the single console and single agent.

BitDefender Official

9. REVE Antivirus

The next suggestion is REVE Antivirus and I will recommend it if you are looking for the simplest Linux Antivirus. Reve doesn’t consume more system resources and time to scan files, programs, and software in your system.

It works perfectly on your Linux system and you can also use it on other operating systems. To use this antivirus on your desktop, you have to ensure 2 GB of available memory and 5 GB of hard drive space. Launching on 20002 for the first time, this antivirus is getting regular updates now.

Important Features

It ensures data security and gets rid of unauthorized copying of data from the PC to USB drives.

This strong security app comes with integrated firewall protection that ensures protection from all external threats.

It comes with a strong duplicate file finder that will find and remove all the duplicate files from your PC.

There is a very minimalist interface and you’ll find all the options right behind your fingertip.

This antivirus for Linux also updates automatically if you ensure a stable internet connection.

REVE Antivirus Official

10. Dr.Web Security Space

If you are looking for an all-in-one type antivirus for Linux, Dr.Web Security Space must be a good choice for you. This application provides very reliable protection against all known and unknown malicious programs. This app indeed performs automatic scanning and scans all HTTP and mail traffic to control all the accesses.

It also ensures strong protection against Windows-specific threats launched under Linux. Note to mention that it requires around 512 MB of free disk space on the device and an active internet connection is essential to update this antivirus.

Important Features

The remote scanning system is the best part of this application.

It lets you customize many functions and it is very easy to control.

This antivirus doesn’t require any specific device configuration.

There is no record of this antivirus to freeze your device while scanning.

The asynchronous scanning is a very unique feature of this antivirus that lets you perform any operation on any file type.

Dr.Web Security Space Official

11. Trend Micro

Getting harmful viruses and malware from many Linux servers is one of the most common problems Linux users face. To stop them in the most effective way, you can use Trend Micro. This powerful antivirus ensures protection against Linux file servers and Linux Web and application servers.

It also ensures very comprehensive threat protection from all heterogeneous networks. Besides, It works actively against the kernel level, and multi-threaded scanning as well. Let’s have a glimpse of the features of this antivirus.

Important Features

This app performs auto-scanning to identify and remove all the viruses and malware from your system.

It is initially certified by Virus Bulletin (VB) and so, you can easily rely on it.

The scheduled scanning function of this application is very advanced and it uses the latest multi-threaded scanning engine for that.

You can customize your own kernel variants with Trend Micro as it contains a license for Kernel Hook Module (KHM).

An enhanced spyware detecting function is also available here.

Trend Micro Official

12. ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux

Let’s get introduced to an award-wining antivirus, that works perfectly with your Linux system. It’s ESET Endpoint Antivirus, which I am talking about. You must be familiar with the ESET group as it is a world-class and most popular antivirus for a long time.

Its Endpoint version has already placed a remarkable impact for its strong security function that is specified for the uses at the home, office, or Business. Well. let’s learn what are the best features it offers.

Important Features

You can use multiple devices under a single account.

It will keep your home and office network safe from Viruses and also, hackers.

ESET Endpoint antivirus will block all the sources of harmful data to prevent the risk of virus attack.

The best part of this antivirus ensures safe transactions.

It indeed comes with advanced malware detection and a high-speed auto-scanning function.

ESET Endpoint Antivirus Official

13. IMUNIFY360

IMUNIFY360 is a very popular antivirus for Linux at an affordable price range. If you don’t know about this security system you can try it for free using the free trial license for a few days. It is among the best security system available in the market and it is known for using barely minimum resources.

Things like website security, webspam detection, malware protection, and other basic features are up to the mark. This is an all-in-one solution for individuals and businesses for a safe computing experience.

Important Features

It automatically defends your Linux-based web servers and websites against potential attacks and vulnerabilities.

You will get 24/7 support from the dedicated customer support center.

IMUNIFY360 is compatible with all the popular Linux systems from Ubuntu to Alma Linux and more.

The installation process is hassle-free and does not include any junk.

It comes with advanced features like real-time physical and virtual patching.

This antivirus software includes automated cleanup, file sanitation, and WAF for keeping the overall ecosystem snappy.

IMUNIFY360 Official

14. Powertech Antivirus

Here, we will talk about the native antivirus for Linux-based IBM systems, especially AIX, Linux servers, etc. Powertech Antivirus is from help systems and offers solid protection against online threats, malware, and other attacks.

You will require a subscription package to enjoy its full potential, and luckily users can try this security software for a few days using the trial period. This antivirus does its job perfectly and keeps itself updated for your convenience.

Important Features

It supports multiple platforms and provides server-level protection against malware, viruses, attacks, etc.

This antivirus protects important files, documents, and transactions from trackers and hackers.

You can manually scan any files and folders in the local system, it also scans the online content and internet connection in the background.

The scanned infected files and malware are securely quarantined or removed according to threat conditions.

It offers affordable subscription packages compared to other players in the market.

Powertech Antivirus utilizes a small number of system resources.

Powertech Antivirus Official

15. Avast Core Security

We are already in our final recommendation and our best choice for it is Avast Core Security. This Linux antivirus initially came up among the best in the AV-Test. It works with Ubuntu and other Linux distro’s 32-bit and 64-bit software architecture.

This Ubuntu Antivirus supports core security, and network security and also provides file server security. Avast doesn’t provide a free subscription though it comes with a trial version. Indeed, I can assure you that it works way better than other available free Antivirus for Linux.

Important Features

Avast provides real-Time Protection and anti-spyware to protect your system.

On-demand scanning and planned scanning functions are available here.

It additionally, uses less power with multicore support to secure files on the server, and thus, it speeds up the workstations.

It is a very lightweight antivirus and the developers update it regularly.

This strong antivirus can easily detect malware and dual-booted systems to

Avast Core Security Official

Final Thought

Finally, I tried to bring you the best antivirus software for Linux systems based on different categories like price, availability, reliability, and authentic online test result. From the beginning, I described the free version and believed that you might find it the best option for your Linux device. Later parts are trial versions but offer some excellent and useful options as the best Linux antivirus. All those above options will keep your device and your data secure.

So, let us know which one you are planning to try on and how it works on your system,m. We will wait to hear from you. You have stayed with us till now and for that, thanks a lot.

How to disable Antivirus Firewall?

Follow the steps provided below on how to disable Antivirus Firewall on Windows.

Go to the Start menu on your computer desktop and click the Control Panel option to open the control panel window.

Click the System & Security option from the list.

Press the Windows Defender Firewall option.

When the Windows Defender Firewall window opens, select the how to turn off Firewall and Antivirus Windows 10 On or Off option from the menu which is displayed on the left side of the screen.

To disable the antivirus firewall, select the Turn off Windows Firewall option.

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